Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Andrew Durham

Main Page
This work is focused on the relationship of humanity to nature. Especially nature that has sustained some sort of human impact. Andrew Durham's work does not focus on nature as something self-evedent as mush as viewing it as a mirrior which reflects human truths.
Technical Research Paper

Hovel formations dependent upon the location of riparian vegetation

Creative Writing

Life on a Mississippi Push Boat


Spiritual Weather

Fortune Telling


Past Sounds

Walking around Guemes

Happiness is Houston in my rearview mirror

E-mail Andrew
Andrew Durham was born in Houston, Tx. Where he lived in the same house for 18 years till he came to Olympia to attend the Evergreen State College. After this quarter he will he returning to Texas to attend University of Texas at Austin.