Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Claire Hanson

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Claire Hanson was raised in Seattle, WA. She lived there from the time she was two until the age of nineteen, when she left for Olympia, WA to attend the Evergreen State College. Her studies are primarily devoted to writing and philosophy.

Where nature writing is concerned, I am least interested in providing clear, articulate, or even beautiful descriptions of the natural world. Instead, I prefer trying to use writing and nature to enhance one another through direct contrast. Nature can only be seen and experienced directly; writing has the power to bring something new to it. These poems are an attempt at a new way of seeing, a new way of understanding the nature and the words we so often take for granted.

Technical Research Paper

Growth of Pteridium aquilinum in varying habitats


A Revelation in the Sun

Bittersweet Nostalgia

The Poem

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