Published on Awakening the Dreamer, Pursuing the Dream (http://www2.evergreen.edu/awakening)

Week 9

By kennedyc
Created 2008-02-28 09:57

Tuesday morning: Slide show and visit from Diane Kurzyna. You can check out her web site at:

http://rubyreusable.com [1]

Leadership workshop for the remaining time.

Homework: describe what you know about patterns of movement- the rhythms - and who you know that embodies them. Write about one or two people for each rhythm.

Feel free to do this in your cluster group and turn in one copy.

Tuesday afternoon: Gladwell seminar

Wednesday: 5R Workshop: Bring your father homework and journals.

Father assignment: Look over the father exercises on pages 113-114 of Maps to Ecstasy and complete the following (in your journal):

#2 AND #s 3 or 4, AND, #s 5 or 7

Thursday morning: film series

Thursday afternoon: Gladwell seminar

NB: Final paper due on Tuesday, March 11

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