
Week 3

Returning to Port    10/11/2007Returning to Port 10/11/2007

Posted in Submitted by kennedyc on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 1:50pm.
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Week 2

Wonderning what's due when? READ ON...

This week in peer study group:

1. Finish Reading Workshop (from Tuesday) and bring written answers to next Tuesday's 10 am workshop

Posted in Submitted by kennedyc on Mon, 10/01/2007 - 4:11pm.
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Week 1

What should you do Monday, while you're waiting for class to begin on Tuesday??? Monday is a work day for us, and we are an incredibly busy program with lots of high expectations. So, don't lose a whole day. Start reading now.... For more details, see the reading list:

Posted in Submitted by kennedyc on Fri, 09/21/2007 - 9:20am.
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