Social Movements

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Peaceful Iraq war protest, Olympia Wa, 2008.  Photo: The Olympian
Peaceful Iraq war protest, Olympia Wa, 2008. Photo: The Olympian

This page is the hub for research projects that focus on uses of the web to organize real events and move real goods by movements and organizations involved in advocacy or relief efforts.


[edit] Topics

[edit] Alternative Education

Alternative Education is a project that focuses on how Alternative Education validates itself in the education community. Different ways to participate in Alternative education, the History of Alternative Education, and how Traditional Education and Alternative Education juxtapose each other will all be examined here

Article contributed by: Michael Phillips

[edit] Music Downloading

Music Downloading is a project studying the downloading of music and its effect on the music industry. The topic is explored from legal, social, and economic views, especially how all three of those areas are adapting in light of this technology.

Article contributed by: Kramer Klein

[edit] Synergy

Synergy is a wiki project based around a sustainable living conference held at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. May 19th-23rd, 2008 will mark the 7th annual event. It is also a community organizing tool for sustainability efforts on campus.

[edit] Cooperative Movement

Cooperative Movement Research Paper is a project on how people can work together to create profitable, socially friendly, community oriented businesses that will sustain our local communities of people and their economy.
Article contributed by: Erselle Stabler

[edit] Affirming Marginalized Identities

Affirming Marginalized Identities Is a project dedicated to the exploration of how marginalized identities are formed and re-enforced through online identity groups. The population that I will examine for this project is the trans community.
Article Contributed by Lucas A. Cuéllar

[edit] Universal Health Care

Universal Health Care This project focuses on the movement to bring universal health care to Americans. The project will cover the cost, the coverage and also quality of care.

Article contributed by: Doan LO

[edit] Politics and Fish Movement

Politics and Fish Movement There are many strains of salmon and steelhead, which are listed, as either endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. There are many reasons why different entities believe the fish are at a fraction of their historic levels. Habitat loss, hydroelectric dams, outdated fish hatcheries, gillnetting, and politics have all played a role in the decline of this Northwest icon. We will take a careful look at each one of these issues and the role politics play in allowing money to take priority over fish.

Article contributed by: Doug Richert