Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Monstrous Exegesis Forges Tools

By Blythe
Created 26 Nov 2007 - 1:40pm

"More than this, the idea of 'race' defined and consolidated typologies that could not be dissociated from their very specific representational technology and its perceptual and cognitive regimes. The truths of race were produced 'performatively' from the hat that biological science provided, like so many startled rabbits, in front of a noisy, eager, imperial crowd. 'Race' became an important means to link metaphysics and technology; it made sense readily within these unprecedented historical conditions." - Paul Gilroy, "Race Ends Here"

(All definitions are taken from the O.E.D.) 

TYPOLOGY: The study of symbolic representation, symbolic significance, representation, or treatment; symbolism. 2.) The study of classes w/common characteristics; classification, esp. of human products, behaviour, characteristics, etc., according to type; the comparative analysis of structural or other characteristics; a classification or analysis of this kind.

CONSOLIDATE: unite, make whole, combine, connect.

REPRESENTATIONISM: The doctrine that the immediate object of the mind in perception is only a representation of the real object in the external world.

COGNITIVE: The action or process of knowing

IMPERIAL: empire, sovereign state. 2.) designating certain decorations or orders

METAPHYSICS: questions about substance, being, time and space, causation, change + identity; the first principles of things; phenomena beyond the scope of scientific inquiry.


The new conception, or idea, of 'race' clearly outlined and united different beliefs about classes of human beings with common characteristics. These beliefs could not be separated or cut off from the very specific symbolic activities and practices that accompanied them; neither could these widespread beliefs be separated from the grip of power and influence created in the collective consciousness. The "facts" of the new idea of "race" were presented to the populace in the same way a magician pulls a rabbit out of a hat; quickly, smugly, and dramatically, to generate interest and excitement among the masses. These "facts" that justified the classification of human beings into different categories were backed up by carefully worded scientific evidence. The audience these facts were intended for was imbued with the idea that society has a 'natural' hierarchy of power. The term "race" was a good way to connect questions about substance, being, time, space, causation, change and identity (all things that could not be answered by empirical science) and specific, new scientific practices; it seemed meaningful and true within the specific historical context of scientific advancement in which the term came into being.


Social discourse created the abstraction of 'race', which in turn demanded scientific research that churned out "facts" to back up the idea. 

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