Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Some Images / Research

By christine
Created 5 Dec 2007 - 11:21pm
To prepare my brain for the task of making the class site, I spent the afternoon with the Communication Arts [1] Design Annual. Here is a PDF of some of the images and pages that caught my eye for various reasons.

[Now for some rambling prater: The PDF has scans of xeroxes so this has me thinking about what I keep calling "resampling" or the process that images or objects go through to get from one point to another. For instance, I found a picture of chocolate bars (yes, chocolate bars) with really cool packaging. Each candy bar had to go through all kinds of production/preparation to come into being and then a whole team of photographers and stylists took a picture of those items. That image then went through a bunch of digitally processed versions before coming to final, non-digital hardcopy when the magazine was printed. From there, I found an issue of the magazine somewhere out in the world and I made copies of the chocolate bar and other pictures and later ended up scanning the xeroxes so that people could have a way of looking at what I was looking at.  It's these things, these chocolate bars (or whatever other objects) in all of these permutations...]

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