Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Gymnasium Exercises

By Celia
Created 6 Dec 2007 - 7:45pm

Cyborgaphia, 11/6/07

Freewrite on Hannah Höch’s "The Beautiful Girl"

The body is a collage of various parts and particles, productions and prosthetics. It is not pure or seamless or constant or itself. The collage holds time in its hand and has a large hairdo that its face is hiding behind, its head in the forefront is a light bulb, an idea. The boxer is peering inside through the window of a car’s tire and BMW logos are floating around that fill up the empty space, and they are the cogs that make everything run when cranked into action. Her body is precariously balanced. The body and mind are vehicular.

Upside down: Cog-nitive dissonance. It looks like the underneath of a car. The clock is a yo-yo. The foot is the exhaust pipe.

Thanks to my Prosthesis


Thank you for being a part of my life. You help me find the answers to my questions in life. You have made my repository of knowledge the whole World Wide Web, I owe my virtual omniscience to you. You enable me to communicate and purchase items telepathically, and you are my personal portal for all imaginable tourisms. You give me extra brain space to store my ideas, and you are so kind to me. You are one of the parts that I love most about myself. I know that you won’t be with me forever and I hope that I don’t take you too much for granted. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you.



Obituary of My Jeans

The remains of the jeans were found in the room of an adolescent girl in Washington, D.C. Forensic analysts determined that the jeans had been loved to death.
The birthplace of the jeans is unknown; however it is probable that they migrated to America at a very young age. After living with a young girl for a short period of time, they were put up for re-adoption at a thrift store, where another girl became smitten with them and took them home. The pair became inseparable. Unfortunately the jeans’ lifespan was not as long as the girl’s, and their routine of being worn constantly eventually became to much for them to handle. The jeans have given parts of their body to repair injured garment

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