Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Smoking tent observation, seminar notes and film notes

By Courtney
Created 5 Oct 2007 - 9:21am

•    Student blogs
•    Went out and performed observations on the SEM II smoker’s tent.
•    Around 35 smokers appeared
•    Observed social etiquette of the smokers tent-don’t sit next to someone, most people told us that they met most of their friends at the smoker’s tents.  The one by the dorms apparently are the “cool smokers” who are intelligent.  
•    Most people thought we were observing the tent for the school and gave opinions and input about how when they smoke alone, they feel isolated.
•    The body language was observed-arms crossed only enough to be “crossed” and not burn selves.  
•    Tent was NOT tall enough for someone tall to be seen-they look like a giraffe if one were not in the tent and walking towards it.  
•    Being the main social outlet (friend finder, conversation starter, cig stealing), the population observed in our 20 minutes seemed large for the non-smoking school.  

Mauss/Douglas articles

•    culturally creative; separate vs the individual-see the text in collective reason.  Some kind of model that behaviors originate-individual reaction and move away from the notion of having a soul.  Object of technique-body as an object.  Socialized behaviors
•    loss that all natural instincts are being honed into society-good or bad thing-etiology.  Increasingly more developed
•    gained through tradition and technique; studied societies and wanted to find ways to classify each.  Groups of people without tradition
•    natural; primitive; unconscious; uncontrolled/brutal
•    social; socialized; conscious; controlled
•    mary Douglas-the two bodies are the self and society
•    more of a sense of agency-douglas had less than mauss
•    Evergreen’s culture.  No frats or sororities
•    Self-individual student, institution decides
•    The body is not just who we can view on the outside-note down visual and audio details about the body.
•    Thinking of systems of power
•    The more complex…disembodied spirits.

•    Title:
•    Maker:
•    Year:
•    Country:
•    Length:
•    Original format:
•    Color/Black & White:
•    Sound/Silent: French-subtitles
•    Rentable? Library?
•    Limited release-top ten…film is based on billy bud. 
•    Characters-Galoup; narrator, officer
•    Bruno-Galoup’s superior
•    Sentain-the “perfect” legionnaire
•    Story context: Africa state of Dishbuti-simalaland-near Ethiopian.  French-gained independence from France in 1897-when battles and outbreaks began.  French succeeded and gained independence.  Between flourishing of colonialism and after-never see what soldiers are preparing for.  Sense of floating.  Post colonial. 
•    What dire says about the white man’s muscles-what does the film seem to be saying what the bodies are doing-boundaries that are created, maintained, transgressed. What happens to the boundaries. 
Legionnaire and the African-hard bodies, soft bodies-discipline, group/self, masc/fem, past/future, homosocial/homosexual.  When the line gets crossed-threatening in soldiers core-how does it play out.
(i wrote the rest on my notebook)

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