Foundations of Health Science

Spring Quarter Books and Supplies

Human Anatomy & Physiology, 7th Edition by Elaine N. Marieb, Katja N. Hoehn.
ISBN 978-0-8053-5909-1

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, 2nd edition by Robert W. Bauman. 
ISBN: 978-0-805-37678-4

How the immune system works, 3rd edition by Lauren Sompayrac.  ISBN: 140516221X

Exercises for the Microbiology Laboratory, 3rd edition by Pierce and Leboffe
Photographic Atlas for the Microbiology Laboratory, 3rd edition by Leboffe and Pierce.
Bundled as ISBN 978-0-895-82662-6

Walden Two by B.F. Skinner.  ISBN 978-0-872-20778-3

Don't Shoot the Dog! by Karen Pryor.  ISBN: 0553380397


Custom Dissection Kit (purchase from Lab Stores)

Custom Microbiology Kit (purchase from Lab Stores)

Lab coat or smock

Scientific Calculator (a graphing calculator is not required)

Laboratory Safety Glasses or Safety Goggles (A variety of styles can be found in the college bookstore.)

Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry (8th Edition) by Bettelheim, Brown, Campbell, & Farrell; including OWL online homework/tutor system and Model Kit ISBN 0-495-47101-1 (If you purchase this book somewhere other than the campus bookstore you will need to purchase separately, both the OWL access code for $35 and the Model Kit for $32.50. This book will continue to be used in winter quarter.)

Biology (7th Edition) by Campbell and Reece; including-Get Ready for Biology by Garrett, online access codes, and two packets of scientific articles-ISBN 0-321-53911-7. (If you purchase this book somewhere other than the campus bookstore you will need to purchase the additional materials. This book will continue to be used in both the winter and spring quarters.)

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan; ISBN(13) 978-0-14-303858-0

Annual Editions Nutrition 07/08 Edited by Dorothy Klimis-Zacas; ISBN(13) 978-0-07-351545-8

Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry (8th Edition) by Bettelheim, Brown, Campbell, & Farrell; including OWL online homework/tutor system and Model Kit ISBN 0-495-47101-1 (If you purchase this book somewhere other than the campus bookstore you will need to purchase separately, both the OWL access code for $35 and the Model Kit for $32.50. This book will continue to be used in winter quarter.)

Biology (7th Edition) by Campbell and Reece; including-Get Ready for Biology by Garrett, online access codes, and two packets of scientific articles-ISBN 0-321-53911-7. (If you purchase this book somewhere other than the campus bookstore you will need to purchase the additional materials

New Perspectives in Healthcare Ethics: An Interdisciplinary and Crosscultural Approach
by Rosemarie Tong; ISBN 0-13-061347-9 (This book will continue to be used in the winter and possibly spring quarters.)

Not now...I'm having a No Hair Day: Humor & Healing for People with Cancer by Christine Clifford; ISBN 0-8166-4315-6

Living Downstream by Sandra Steingraber; ISBN 0-375-70099-4

Should I Be Tested for Cancer? Maybe Not and Here's Why by H. Gilbert Welch; ISBN 0-520-24836-8


Created by Rebecca Sunderman ( .....Last Updated on 3-24-08

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