Published on Models of Motion (http://www2.evergreen.edu/modelsofmotion)


  1. Computers in the future will change in 2 main ways. What are they?      NAME_______

_______________________________________ , ______________________________

  1. How do we make computers faster?
  1. What is the only language a computer can understand?  ___________________
  1. The first electronic computer were made from _________________________
  1. Diagram a transistor and tell how it works
  1. Fill in this language line:


               Transistors                                                                                            English

  1. Why is it unlikely we will program a computer in English in the near future?
  1. Why does shrinking a chip make the computer faster?
  1. Draw a diagram relating the User with the Operating System, Program, and the Hardware

    10  Change  59 into a Binary Number    _____________________________________

    11  Change  10001101 into a base 10 number  ______________________________

    12  Add these 2 base 2 numbers together:              1001011

                                                                                 + 0100101

On the back of this test, Diagram and Label the parts of a computer and give the 6 things it can do

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