Our week of aphoristic and fragmented fun:

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Look here for required and recommended links & pdfs for week 4!!

Read Eagleton, "Structuralism, Poststructuralism, & Semiotics"

from Reader's Block, by D. Markson

from...Writing of the Disaster, by M. Blanchot

from...Beyond Good and Evil, by F. Nietzsche

from...Culture and Value: Part 1; Part 2

Jabes Readings:

Graven Silence of Writing
When Silence Speaks—Rosmarie Waldrop
from The Book of Questions—Jabes

Readings as Links:

http://www.markszine.com/403/lhind.htm - Lyn Hejinian—Hejinian (same stuff) as pdf

http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/en/pub_contents/4 - Debord (don't read all of this!)

http://jacketmagazine.com/14/perl-witt.html - Perloff on LW and Duchamp, the poetic and aphoristic stickiness when it comes to translation