Book Lists

Winter Quarter Books:

Guy Beck, ed., Sacred Sound: Experiencing Music in World Religions - 978-0889204218

Ted Gioia, Healing Songs - 978-0822337027

John Ortiz, The Tao of Music: Sound Psychology - 978-1578630080

Alexander Astin, Mindworks: Becoming More Conscious – 978-1-59311-738-2

Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief – 978-0975991473

James Gilligan, Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic 978-0679779124

Joanne Greenberg, I Never Promised you a Rose Garden978-0451211200

Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony978-0143104919

Nawal El Saadawi, Woman at Point Zero - 978-0862321109

Fall Quarter Books:

Daniel J. Levitin, This is Your Brain on Music - 97800525949695
Jacques Lusseyran, And There Was Light - 9780940407407
Patrick Súskind, Perfume: the Story of a Murderer - 0307277763
Oliver Sacks, An Anthropologist on Mars: 7 Paradoxical Tales - 0679756973
Horner/Webb/Miller, Harbrace College Handbook - 9780155067790
Ken Wilbur, Quantum Questions - 1570627681
Dalai Lama, The Universe in a Single Atom - 9780767920810
Fred Wolf, Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Non-Scientists - 0060963107