Published on Poetry New York (http://www2.evergreen.edu/poetryny)

Page Meets Stage--By Camila Martin


Wednesday night at The Bowery Poetry Club was the Page Meets Stage performance with Sage Francis and Jeffery McDaniel. Sage Francis, a well-known spoken word/hip hop artist performed his pieces one by one interweaving Jeffery McDaniel’s pieces. The two complimented one another in the way they played off each other’s themes. Sage Francis seemed to live up to his reputation by the enthusiastic audience, mixing in his singing with his cool sharp lines. A theme that appeared through the night was how messed up America is and how it needs to change. A couple powerful lines from Sage Francis are, “the devil only exists because you believe in him” and “you need to cut the noose but you don’t believe in scissors”.

            Jeffery McDaniel read from a few of his books that also incorporated race in addition to his humor. In one poem, he explored the idea he told his young nephew that there’s another world where people change races all the time. In one evening, you could go from being Chinese to Puerto Rican. He said earth is the place where they send the broken humans that don’t change color anymore.

            The evening provided a great mix between upbeat spoken word and the humorous poems that got the audience to laugh at loud. This was definitely an event worth attending. 

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