Published on SOS: Visual Arts (http://www2.evergreen.edu/sosvisualarts)

Upcoming week 10/24-11/2

By ze lord
Created 10/23/2007 - 2:20am
part 1:
so, for those of you who have been attending class know, i will be out of town tuesday night and out of country wednesday morning. i will be gone til nov 1. you can email me. which is what i want you to do.
i would like a short, concise, report of your intellectual and studio progress as achieved through your activities. what books have you read? what articles? i need a summery of your work. i would like some digital images. meeting times are always too short, so this will help me keep on track and keep you on track with me.

i would like the reports with images by wednesday, october 31, 2007. thanks.

part 2:
regarding response essays/papers to seminar readings. there are many good, but there are SO MANY typos, grammer mistakes, and incorrect voice- ie. passive voice vs. active voice. (and yes, i do realize i am writing you this while typing in all lowercase. it's my steez. and it's a late night email, not an essay). i end up spending a lot of time correcting simple english mistakes rather than spending my time and energy on areas it would be better put to use, like individual meetings. SO, my experimental solution is this: one becomes a better writer when one learns to recognize mistakes in other's writings. so this is how this week will go down: josh will take attendance and collect papers as normal. as you all begin talking deep philosophical insights, he will go down and make copies. (if you are late you are responsible for your copies) your paper should be handed out to two different people, you will also end up with two other people's papers. take the last half hour of seminar (if this is ok with seminar leaders)-- everybody edits! make sure you write your name on the bottom of the page you edit! otherwise you won't get credit! oh no! make sure you write your name on top if you wrote the paper! or you won't get credit! oh no!

part 3: <!-- D(["mb","\u003cbr\>individual meetings when i return. i will try put up an actual sign up to fill up while i'm gone, i'll let you know in class tomorrow exactly where that will be. probably in E4107\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>ok. get to sleep. we got crit tomorrow.\n\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>oh, and alls y'all, stop leaving class early. it hurts my feelings. and it's not nice to hurt your instructors opinions. it's like the 1965 anchorage earthquake in my little heart. ouch.\u003cbr\>oh.\u003cbr\>ouch. \n\u003cbr\>ah....\u003cbr\>",1] ); D(["mb","\u003cspan class\u003dsg\>\u003cbr\>e\u003cbr\>\u003cbr\>\n\u003c/span\>",0] ); D(["mi",8,2,"115cbf4c90a9f39c",0,"0","postmaster@evergreen.edu","postmaster@evergreen.edu","postmaster@evergreen.edu",[[] ,[["me","ericalord@gmail.com","115cbf4c90a9f39c"] ] ,[] ] ,"1:22 am (1½ hours ago)",["ericalord@gmail.com"] ,[] ,[] ,[] ,"Oct 23, 2007 1:22 AM","Delivery Status Notification (Failure)","",[] ,0,,,"Tue Oct 23 2007_1:22 AM","On 10/23/07, postmaster@evergreen.edu \u003cpostmaster@evergreen.edu\> wrote:","On 10/23/07, \u003cb class\u003dgmail_sendername\>postmaster@evergreen.edu\u003c/b\> <postmaster@evergreen.edu> wrote:","walnut.evergreen.edu",,,"","",0,,"\u003cTyMzb1A3v00001b7e@walnut.evergreen.edu\>",0,,0,"In reply to \"earn money on report cards!\"",0] ); //-->
individual meetings when i return. i will try put up an actual sign up to fill up while i'm gone, i'll let you know in class tomorrow exactly where that will be. probably in E4107

ok. get to sleep. we got crit tomorrow.

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