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China Business Workshop, Week 3

China Business Workshop, Week 3

For the first CBW paper, please submit a single document with two sections in it:

(1) the first section is titled "Market Attractiveness Report":

Analyze the attractiveness of the various markets and potential markets in the StratSimChina environment. The information used for this analysis will come from reviewing market studies, market research and, potentially, the performance and sales of your firm in Years 1 and/or 2 in the simulation (please specify which years data you are using in making your assessment).

Select what you personally believe to be the top three (3) market opportunities for your firm in the simulation. How you choose to define the markets and what makes them attractive is up to you. Some definitions you might want to consider include segments, vehicle classes, and customers. Some measures of attractiveness might include units sold, market growth, potential margins or profits, and competitive intensity, among others. Use the StratSimChina reports for your analysis.

List the markets in section one of your paper and explain why each one was an attractive market opportunity for your firm.

(2) the second section is titled "SWOT Analysis" (or "Situation Analysis"):

A SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) is a common step and framework used in developing a business strategy.

For this section of the paper, please list the three-to-six principal external issues (opportunities plus threats) that you believe affect your firm in the current year in the StratSimChina simulation. (Again, ignore the real world business environment in China today and focus only on the simulation environment your firm faces).

Also list the three-to-six internal assets and capabilities (strengths plus weaknesses) that you believe your firm possesses at the start of the business simulation.

Give a brief paragraph (two-to-three sentences minimum) to explain each item you list in your SWOT analysis.

Try to do this assignment independently from your team members, thoroughly and "in good faith" as you will need to refer to this document later in the quarter for your second and fourth paper assignments.