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Readings - China Business Workshop

Required Readings, China Business Workshop

Fall 2008 -

1) Cross-Cultural Communications

Peterson, Brooks. (2004). Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other
. Intercultural Press, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-1-93-1930-00-0. ISBN-10:

2) Classical Chinese Military Strategy and Modern Business Strategy

McNeilly, Mark (1996). Sun Tzu and the Art of Business. Oxford University Press.
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-513789-7

Winter 2009 -

3) Business Strategy in the China Market Today

Students new to the program in Winter quarter may want to find their own copy of the McNeilly book above.

A second book, a manual for the StrategySimChina online simulation, is available for pdf download online. Instructions for obtaining this manual will be given out the first meeting of the workshop Winter quarter.

4) Chinese Values, Leadership and Business

* Luo, Guanzhong (1999). Three Kingdoms, abridged edition, translated by Moss Roberts. University of California Press. ISBN-13: 978-0-520-21585-6

+ Redding, S. Gordon. (1993). The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism. Walter de Gruyter & Co. ISBN-10: 3-11-013794-1


* Will be assigned for reading at start of Winter Quarter 2009

+ May be used toward the end of Winter Quarter 2009. Students must find their own copy of this publication as the bookstore cannot find enough used copies to order. (It may be going out of print, so look quickly for a cheap used copy or a library copy before they disappear).