Announcements and Handouts

check here frequently for updates and handouts

Seminar Readings and Handout
Week 1


Week 2  
Week 3


Week 4

Luther's 1522 New Testament seminar reading
Week 5

Venue Change!!! Thurs. April 30, Reduction-cut print critique: meet in the printmaking studio lounge (location for our previous critique on black-and-white prints)

Print in the Western World by Linda C. Hults is available on open reserve in the library. This is a really useful text focused on printmakers. Use it to establish your research project. You can also use resources Hults used by scanning her bibliography.

Week 6


Neglected Aspect of Early Printmaking, Ivins

Intaglio Prints of Science, RJ and EL Divita

Cartography and Art lecture (ppt) by Peter Impara

Week 7    
Week 8

*Week 8 seminar up-date: I've added a fourth reading by Saff. This is a brief introduction to the other three articles. Read it first, then proceed to the remaining articles in any order.

the syllabus links on the website have been corrected!

Thoughts about Print Collaboration, Antreasian
Conversation with Jim Dine, Hennessy
Wasting and Wasting Not, Brown
*The Collaborative Art, Saff

Week 9

Thurs. May 28 9 - 11 critique of 'map' prints in printmaking lounge.

Self-evaluation writing workshop Weds. May 27, Seminar II E 4115, 9 - 11 a.m. everyone should attend. Bring writing materials (paper, pen or laptops)

Senior Thesis exhibit opens in the Gallery, 5 - 7 p.m. See the work of senior art students!

portfolio submission checklist

self-evaluation workshop

Week 10

Final class meeting and critique of independent prints: Weds. June 3, 9 - 11 in Seminar II E 4115.

Portfolios are due before 9:30 a.m. on Thurs. June 4 p.m. Drop them at Lisa's office (Seminar II e 4106)

Mandatory printmaking studio clean up: 12 - 3 p.m. Thurs. June 4 (students not participating will be charged a clean up fee)