The Age of Irony: Twentieth Century America

Description and Faculty
Class constitution

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Class constitution

Article I: Requirements for full credit
Full credit shall be awarded for meeting the criteria for the following areas: attendance, participation, written assignments, timeline, and project completion.
Attendance is defined as active participation in the full day's instruction. Full attendance is expected, but absences may be accommodated in this manner: The student will read the syllabus and any handouts posted on the moodle for the missed day and will propose a makeup assignment to his/her seminar faculty. All students are expected to turn in completed assignments on the due date for full credit. All students must submit their self evaluations to their transcript for the program.

Article II: Faculty duties
Faculty will on time to class, with materials prepared for presentation. They will do their best to make expectations clear regarding written work and projects and will provide as much feedback on written work as possible. Student work submitted on time will be returned within a week. They will provide guidance when necessary in seminars. At mid-quarter, they will meet with students to discuss their progress and will be available to meet privately with students at mutually agreed times. Faculty will solicit student ideas for the program in general and through the Critical Program Review group.

Article III: Non-discrimination and community relations
Class participants will not discriminate on the basis of perceived or expressed identity of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, class, political beliefs, disability, ethnicity, employment status, or marital status.
Non-discrimination shall not be limited solely to behavioral restrictions, but should take a proactive form. Class participants should be aware of how discussions can reflect power dynamics and make an effort to be aware of the social space they take up.
Participants should monitor their own participation by not dominating discussions in terms of time spent speaking, cutting others off, responding to every comment made, or engaging in any other actions that prevent a safe environment and exchange of ideas.
Participants are encouraged to end their contributions with a question in order to facilitate dialogue and draw others into discussion.
The collective space should be maintained by noticing not only your individual contributions but also how the contributions of collective dominant groups affect the space.

Article: IV: Academic honesty
We adhere to the definitions of academic honesty given in the Evergreen Academic Honesty Policy, as provided in The Student Handbook.
"Academic honesty is a necessity in a learning community. It makes coherent discourse possible, and is a condition for all sharing, dialogue and evaluation. All forms of academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism and facilitating academic dishonesty of others are violations of Evergreen's Social Contract."
"Cheating is defined as intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise. Plagiarism is defined as representing the works or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise. It includes but is not limited to copying materials directly, failing to cite sources of arguments and data and failing to explicitly acknowledge joint work or authorship of assignments."
If a student has any question as to whether a particular practice is dishonest, s/he should ask faculty right away. A student who violates this policy may lose all credit for the program.

Article V: Campus and community stewardship
1. Please clean up your trash and messes, including cigarette butts. Respect the college staff.
2. If you smoke, do so only in the designated areas, which are identifiable as canopies outside. There are two smoking areas near the classroom: one is in front of Sem II by the bus loop, the other is behind Sem II cafe.
3. Be truly present for class. This means turning off cell phones, refraining from texting, closing and putting away laptops. If you need to use your computer to accommodate a special need, talk to faculty.
4. Please respect chemically sensitive individuals by refraining from wearing scented products in class.
5. Please actively participate in creating an open, healthy, comfortable, safe class environment.

Article VI: Critical Program Review Group Duties and responsibilities:
The group meets on Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m. and provides feedback to faculty on daily proceedings of class and on the program content and activities in general.
Members of the group will commit to attending meetings throughout the quarter.
CPR members will be excused from the writing assignment of their choice to compensate for their time commitment.
Any member of the class may attend meetings of the group without becoming a member. CPR members are defined as those active all quarter in the group.

Addendum: Individual goals

My personal goals for the class are:

(Signed) (Print name) (date)

TESC Evening & Weekend Studies Fall/Winter/Spring 2010-2011