The Age of Irony: Twentieth Century America


Week 2 - Monday, October 4: Present library research posters; response paper workshop; seminar on Iriye
Read Lenin and Wilson for Wednesday. ."The Fourteen Points" and selections from Lenin's "Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism." If you prefer to read the whole thing, you can find it online here or in several volumes of Lenin's collected or selected works in the Evergreen library shelves.

You might also enjoy W.E.B. DuBois' 1915 article, "The African Roots of the War."

For an extra challenge, after reading Iriye, get a different perspective in Erez Manela's article, "Imagining Woodrow Wilson in Asia: Dreams of East-West Harmony and the Revolt against Empire in 1919." Find it through Evergreen's library. Start with "Journal Title" and then enter "American Historical Review." Search, under author, "manela".

Wednesday, October 6: Lenin/Wilson Workshop; Revised individual paper due; timelines start.

Read chapter 1 of Harvey for Wednesday of next week, and start Over Here, Chapters 1-3 by next Wednesday.

Thursday, October 7 -- (Susan) Film: A Farewell to Arms. Workshop on picking a topic and shaping questions and topics. Here's a very helpful web site, authored by environmental historian William Cronon and graduate students: "Learning Historical Research."

Assignment due: descriptive essay Oct 6

Fall Quarter
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine
Week Ten

TESC Evening & Weekend Studies Fall/Winter/Spring 2010-2011