Geography workshop, Age of Irony, October 11, 2003

Divide up into groups of three.

We will have an introduction to map and atlas resources in the Library at 10:30.

Identify the countries you would consider to be "imperial powers" in 1914.

You will pick a region of the colonized world (below). When you have picked one, cross it off the list. Take some tracing paper, pencils, and markers, and trace your region from a map. Draw the 1914 borders of your region. Write the 1914 names of the countries.

Now trace the dominant/dominating country or countries that correspond to this region. Draw lines from the colonies or client states to the economically dominant country to which each is most connected.

You may also want to color the colonial states to correspond to the imperial country, because often a region will have multiple colonial powers.

Write, in parentheses, the current names of the countries then, and, with dotted lines, identify any new borders.

Write a short paragraph that goes with your map, explaining what changed between 1914 and 1920 in this region.

Bring your map back to the classroom and post it before lunch. (12 noon)


North Africa --- Central Africa --- Southern Africa

South America --- Central America ---North America

The Caribbean --- South Asia --- East Asia

The South Pacific --- The Middle East