Chapter 18

1. TRUE or FALSE? Computer technology has greatly impacted the banking industry, to the

extent that credit cards and debit cards have reduced consumers’ reliance on cash.


2. TRUE or FALSE? Embedded processors are computer chips that are built into appliances and

machinery to control their workings.


3. TRUE or FALSE? Instant messaging software allows users to send and receive messages almost

instantaneously, allowing for interactive conversations between remote users.


4. TRUE or FALSE? Commercial software systems are thoroughly tested so that all programming

errors are identified and fixed before the system is marketed.


5. TRUE or FALSE? Search engines such as

Web pages before they report those pages.




7. TRUE or FALSE? Because of budget constraints, public schools are less likely to have Internet

access today than they were 10 years ago.


8. TRUE or FALSE? The “digital divide” refers to the fact that the disadvantaged in society (e.g.,

minorities, the poor, and uneducated citizens) are less likely to have access to the Internet.



9. Do you think that Gormley’s list (Figure 18.1) represents the 10 most important inventions of the

last 1,000 years? If not, what inventions do you think are missing from this list? What possible

developments in computer technology might increase the relative importance of computers?

Student answers will vary.

10. In addition to the examples listed in this chapter, describe two other aspects of society that have

been greatly impacted by computer technology. Within these areas, what specific activities or

jobs were most affected? On the whole, has the impact been positive or negative? Justify your


Student answers will vary.

11. Describe two advantages of online newspapers over their print counterparts. Do you think that

electronic newspapers will completely replace printed papers in the near future? Why or why


Advantages include the ability to update content immediately, and the ability to integrate other

media (e.g., sound and video) with text.

12. Perform a Web search on your name. That is, enter your name into a search engine, such as

Google or Yahoo!

matching pages did the search engine find? If you have your own Web page, did the search

engine find it? You may need to include additional search parameters if your name is relatively


Student answers will vary.

13. Utilize a search engine to research and answer the following questions. Identify the site at which

you obtained your answer, as well as the search parameters you used to locate the page. verify the accuracy of information is the largest e-commerce site in terms of yearly online sales.® Search, and then search the Web for occurrences of that name. How many

Who invented the programming language PHP?

In what year did the Battle of Hastings take place?

Who won the Academy Award for best actress in 1996?

Rasmus Lerdorf


Frances McDormand

21 number-one hits on the Billboard chart

How many number-one hits did the Beatles have?

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