
 1. Change 75 into a binary number: Change 1011001 into a base 10 number

2. Show how the computer would add 23 + 19 using binary numbers and a carry bit

3. Given inputs in this order: 45, 73, 66, 31, 95, 27, 51, 5, 15, 69, 71, 11, 38, 52, 19
Show the Binary Search Tree
Show how this would be stored in an Array
Show the Heap
Show how it would be stored in an Array

4. A Jippo number can be found be adding 2 times the previous number with the number before that in the list. The first 2 Jippo numbers are 1. The sequence is: 1, 1, 3, 7, 17, 41, 99, ??
( 41*2 + 17 = 99 ), next is 99*2 + 41.. Write a Recursive function to input which Jippo number you want and it will print that one out.. Jippo(4) = 7, Jippo(6) = 41

5. Show how you would make a NOT, AND, OR gate using transistors

6. Describe the A* algorithm