Doing Thinking: Working Wood, Crafting Ideas invites us to re-conceptualize our understanding of tools as instruments of both the hand and the mind as we address the program’s overarching questions.

The practice of working wood begins with conceptualizing something and understanding its purpose. We choose a shape, size and structure; we select the material from which to make it; we assemble tools appropriate to the task. But, to actually make the object we must possess the necessary skills. Crafting ideas requires a similar level of discipline: the process is as imaginative, intentional, and skill-based as working wood. Intellectual work turns ideas into tools for analysis.

Throughout the program, we will develop both our abilities to make things of consequence from wood and our abilities to work with ideas that matter in the world and that are worth understanding.

Doing Thinking Addendum Winter 2011

Doing Thinking Syllabus Fall 2010  

Weekly Preparation Schedule DT winter 2011

On Reading and Writing Assignments