
at The Evergreen State College

Category:Digital Media and Literacy

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Anna and Margaret are the creators of this wiki. Below is our working outline exploring Digital Media and Literacy.


Digital Literacy in Practice:

Digital Literacy in Schools

  • How is it taught?

It's not/ self taught generally. Interesting because it has shifted studies on childhood education to reconsider viewing children as passive, incomplete vessels. HTML for babies.

No Child Left Behind sucks.

  • How is it learned?

At home generally. Which can become problematic because of the nature of access. But now most American families have a computer and unlike alphabet literacy which familial instruction greatly influences "bookish" practices throughout a child's life digital literacy is not as much affected because most children and young adults are so much more advanced in their understanding then their parents and they often teach each other different digital literacy techniques.

  • What are the benefits?

A lot.


socioeconomic and racial inequalities in the digital world. Exposing the naivete of the theory of technology as the great equalizer especially when Federal Policy basically excludes most computer classes from low income/ predominantly people of color schools because teacher's are forced to teach to a test that is strictly committed to alphabet literacies. Not to mention the more obvious issue of having up to date technology ie computers is not always possible or a big priority in low income homes. So just as there are huge disparities between the privileged and underprivileged communities in alphabet literacy the same disparities exist in digital literacy and because of how behind schools and public libraries are in modernizing their curriculum/ facilities/ etc. access to technology and learning new technology the rift may just get bigger before it gets smaller.


  • how children (K-12?) learn with digital media/how it affects them

Young Adults

  • how young adults (18-25?) learn with digital media/how it affects them


  • how adults (26-?) learn with digital media/how it affects them

How do college students study? Use UW studies for help.

The Effect of Digital Literacy on Libraries

  • How are libraries changing to accommodate new forms of literacy?
  1. eBooks
  2. Classes for adult education
  3. The library as a completely digital entity

Generational Differences in Digital Literacy

  • Boomers
  • Gen X
  • Millenials

Digital Literacy and the Impact on Psychology

"The lack of coherence in theory and practice across such a diverse body of communication research leads to confusing, simplistic, and highly speculative hypothesis about the effects of electronic media on users' brains, behaviors, or attitudes" (Tyner 49).

This topic is cool, but the research I found doesn't really support the idea that media is changing anything that drastically. And it may just be "TV is rotting your brain" rhetoric

Is digital media changing the way we think?



  • our Annotated Works Cited
  • site visit summaries
  • interviews with different librarians (elementary, middle, high school, college, public, etc.)?

Institutional Level

  • what this means for the future of Librarianship?
  • how this affects Evergreen?

--> Margaret, does this look like a good direction to take our research in? write on here or text/call me @ 360-349-2231

Anna, this looks like a great start. Thanks! My contact info: 503-473-3485, Hope you feel better soon

Pages in category "Digital Media and Literacy"

This category contains only the following page.