
at The Evergreen State College

Category:Digital Media and the Art of Writing

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"at the moment when the phoneticization of writing begins to lay hold on world culture, science, in its advancements, can no longer be satisfied with it"
- Philosopher and Theorist Jacques Derrida

Advancements in digital media necessitate the redefinition of writing as an art form. From the creation of new formats such as The Blog and Digital Storytelling to the popularization of Born-Digital Poetry, to the emergence of Digital Journalism in the ever-expanding online universe, it is clear that digital media plays an important role on the restructuring of literature and the concept of textuality. In the digital world, reading and writing are no longer limited by alphabetic worlds and are increasingly affected by multimodal influences, including video, sound, and image. Technological advancements in the field of writing intrinsically have an effect on the field of reading as well, and these "changes in reading will necessarily lead to the development of other modes of textuality" Christian Vandendorpe From Papyrus to Hypertext. In conclusion, "The increasing use of digital media for reading, writing, and communication practices has brought about emergent new textualities, literacies, and subjectivities that continue to challenge and reconfigure the ways we are engaged with texts" Viola Sasmana A Time of Opening: Literary Practices in the Age of New Media and Digital Textuality

I chose to center my focus on new mediums that had been created during the new 
media age, attempting to analyze this time period as a writing renaissance. 


1. one that originates or creates 2. the writer of a literary work (as a book)

one that makes generally known the work of an author

Key Terms



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Pages in category "Digital Media and the Art of Writing"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.