
at The Evergreen State College

Digital Media and Literacy

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  • what is literacy? how was it defined in the past? what does it mean now?
  • how does digital media affect the abilities of people to become literate?
  • pros/cons

--> psychology? medical (what parts of the brain we use when reading/writing on paper/computers or other mediums)


  • how children (K-12?) learn with digital media/how it affects them

Young Adults

  • how young adults (18-25?) learn with digital media/how it affects them


  • how adults (26-?) learn with digital media/how it affects them

--> should we include the "elderly" in this section or make new section?



  • our Annotated Works Cited
  • site visit summaries
  • interviews with different librarians (elementary, middle, high school, college, public, etc.)?

Institutional Level

  • what this means for the future of Librarianship?
  • how this affects Evergreen?

--> Margaret, does this look like a good direction to take our research in? write on here or text/call me @ 360-349-2231
-Anna, this looks like a good start. Thank you! I am going to begin research. I'll put all the links in the Annotated Works Cited page. I'll be in the office today if you want to meet, or text call at 503-473-3485 or my email is