Vince Ynzunza

Here’s the Story

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Artist Statement

In my video essay, “Here’s The Story” – I have created a memoiristic/ autobiographical piece that explores the man I am today, and everyday, based upon the influence of television on my childhood and teen years. I had to overcome a strange fear in conceiving this project – for the longest time I’ve been trepidatious about admitting to people that The Brady Bunch changed my life. But it did. And there’s really nothing to be ashamed about that. In doing this project, I got to know myself better, and in reliving the passions of my early youth, I can now see myself from a certain vantage that I was not priviliged to prior. In the video essay, I use a combination of photos from my childhood and teen years, cultural photos from particular television shows, original photos taken for the project, and personal art pieces that I feel adequately accompany portions of the video. In terms of a structural motif, I chose to incorporate popular and anachronistic elements from classic sitcoms into my video; laugh tracks, vintage scene transitions, and lighthearted mood music are used to make my video essay resemble, in part, a typical episode of The Brady Bunch.

Artist Bio

Vince Ynzunza was born and raised in Washington State – although he lived in NYC once. Someday he’ll go back there. But right now, he’s looking forward to graduating from The Evergreen State College.

Vince’s artistic passions include kitsch pop culture, tiki symbols, totalitarian aesthetics, Warhol, bad nail polish, Lisa Frank, antique furniture, and a pedophile’s garage sale. He enjoys the culture of a city but prefers the wisdom of the country.