Project Report

I. PROJECT REPORTS – due Week 10

This for individual reports, this will obviously consist of an individual report from each student. Each individual report should be at least 2 full pages long. For group projects, only one report is necessary per group. However, the group report should clearly state what each person did and accomplished individually. The “what you learned” component should be addressed for each individual in the group report.

Your report will address the following topics. Use these topics for the sections of this report:

  • Section I: The work you did for the project. Fully but concisely explain the work you did. (If you were in a project group, what was your role in the group? Which parts did you work on more than others, and what did you do for each part? )

  • Section II: What you learned. What do you now know that you didn’t when you started your project? Feel free to address your learning in particular subjects (e.g., computer science, data mining, statistics) as well as in any other relevant areas you can think of (e.g., group work, project design, self-discipline). It is crucial to give examples rather than write generally about your learning. You may find it useful to consider the following questions as you develop this part of your individual report:

    • How did your project work deepen your understanding of concepts in computer science?

    • To what extent did the final version of your project resemble your original design for the project (as described in your project proposal and project plan)?

    • Which parts of your project work went the way you expected them to? Which ones didn’t?

    • If you were to do this project again, what would you do differently next time?

This section in particular may develop into part of your self-evaluation.

  • Section III: How your project connects to each part of the program. Explicitly discuss your project as it relates to the various parts of this program and/or other courses you have taken at Evergreen:

    • Statistics

    • Machine Learning and Data Mining

    • seminar (including discussion of particularly relevant texts)

    • parts of CSF, Music and Cybernetics, etc.

This section may develop into part of your Academic Statement