Author Archives: simand31

Hh – Week 9 Poetry

This is a poem I haven’t finished yet, but I love it and will give an update when I finish it!

I Heard Sirens

I heard sirens

They wailed a song which could put my brothers in captivity and end them there

And here I stand adhered to the sweetest song I hear but I do not hold much fear

Because I am not there…

But I am out there…

I am the street lights and the pavement

Every crack and crevice in places

You couldn’t imagine and I wonder

How do I keep from going under?

How do I not feel for my brother as if I am there with him?

If we had been laid the same path

My life could have ended in an instant

But since we both started out as infants

Our innocence holds no difference

Hh – Week 9 Log

May 27th

2 hours – Writing Poetry
3 hours – Reading: How To Rap: The Art and Science of The Hip Hop MC
2 hours – Recording

May 28th

2.5 hours – Attending Seminar on Perloff/Neuro
1 hour – Writing poetry
3 hours – Reading “My Poets”, Writing: My Lyricist:Tupac Shakur

May 30th

3 hours – Attending Guest Lecture/Performing for Calculated Poetics
2.5 hours – Catching up eAlphabet/Writing poetry
4 hours – Writing: My Lyricist: Tupac Shakur

May 31st

5 hours – Writing: My Lyricist: Tupac Shakur (on a plane)
4 hours – Writing: My Lyricist: Dre Dupre
1.5 hours – Listening: All Eyez on Me, considering parallel between The Rose That Grew From Concrete

June 1st

4 hours – Writing: My Lyricist: Tupac Shakur (finished!)
3 hours – Reading: How To Rap: The Art and Science of The Hip Hop MC
3 hours – Writing: My Lyricist: Dre Dupre


This week: 43.5 hours

Cumulative total: 162 hours

Reading List:

  • My Poets

  • How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC

  • The Rose That Grew from Concrete

Hh – Week 8 Poetry

This is a poem I wrote based on Tupac’s “In The Depths of Solitude”, it’s in the front of my poetry book and I dedicated it to myself.

The Valley

I live in the valley

No matter the street corner, avenue or alley

I still live in the valley

In the darkest depths of my two parts

Where I am away solitarily 

Feeling the pressure of my two parts

Trying to release it momentarily

I live in the valley of shadows

But I shall fear no evil

Not even the one I know the most

Because my will knows no equal

Hh – Week 7 Poetry

This is a poem I wrote about monsters, which led to me writing a song about embodying the spirit of being a “monster”. I feel as though in society, we fear what is not “natural” or something that is different in any way, and we end up fearing who we really are because maybe in some way we’re what is considered a “monster”:

We are our own monsters


What happens when the supernatural becomes natural…
When the INHUMAN becomes HUMAN
D e m o n s rise to earth searching for understanding
A n g e l s fall from grace…
We are the fruit of both creatures…
The product of both light and dark.
Taught to fear ourselves
No More
No More
Embrace the light and the dark
and become whole
No longer fear the unusual monsters
Embody the beast
If you are GHOST look to be seen and heard
But be not ashamed of transparency
If you are VAMPIRE seek out the light as much as possible
But embrace being a creature of the night
If you are ZOMBIE show your humanity
But don’t deny what makes you different
If you are ALIEN seek acceptance
But only from those who are willing to accept you as you are 

Hh – Week 6 Poetry

This is a poem I wrote based on Tupac’s “If There Be Pain” and a line that really resonated with me which is “My life was lived through falling rain”, which I feel is descriptive of how I look at my own life, living in Washington and having bad but also good memories within the rain. I tried to make it look as close to the way it looks in my poetry book as possible, also, sorry about the late postings, i’ve been trying to collect everything i’ve written together into this body of work:
I lived my life through falling rain.

Falling reign…
All hailing…
…A world spread missed…
The disenfranchised…
Collecting peaces of change…

Here I live…
     Within this reign…
The raindrops fall on my
Window Pain

The Fathers watch ticking
To the suns smile…


Hh – Week 8 Log

May 20th

4 hours – Studying Tupac: Strictly for My N.*.G.G.A.Z.
2 hours – Writing Poetry
2 hours – Comparing Tupac: 2Pacalypse to All Eyez On Me

May 21st

2.5 hours – Attending Seminar on Perloff/Neuro
3 hours – Working on songs
2.5 hours – Writing poetry, considering similarities between Tupac’s The Rose That Grew From Concrete and my own poetry

May 22nd

3 hours – Attending Guest Lecture/Writing workshop with Eirik Sommerfelt
2 hours – Writing “My Lyricist: Tupac Shakur”, thinking of duality
2 hours – Watching: Tupac: Interviews

May 23rd

3.5 hours – Attending “My Poets” Class/Guest Lecture by Eirik Sommerfelt
3 hours – Writing and editing lyrics
2 hours – Research: How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC, looking for strategies in rhyme and rhythm 
1 hour – Writing “My Lyricist: Tupac Shakur” 

May 24th

3 hours – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Writing Poetry
3 hours – Writing “My Lyricist: Tupac Shakur”  


This week: 41 hours

Cumulative total: 118.5 hours

Reading List:

  • My Poets

  • How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC

  • The Rose That Grew from Concrete

Hh – Week 7 Log

May 13th

2.5 hours – Reading: How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC
4 hours – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Studying Tupac: 2Pacalypse Now

May 14th

2.5 hours – Seminar on Perloff/Neuro
1.5 hour – Getting Proficiency for Mixing Bench
2 hours – Writing lyrics
2 hours – Reading: How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC 

May 15th

1.5 hours – Attending Guest Lecture
2 hours – Writing and editing lyrics
2.5 hours – My Poets: Louise Gluck (Looking at how to use the chapter to create my own)

May 16th

1.5 hours – Attending “My Poets” Class
3 hours – Reading: How to Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC
2 hours – Watching: Tupac Shakur: Interviews
1.5 hour – Beginning “My Lyricist: My Tupac Shakur”

May 17th

2 hours – Writing lyrics
2.5 hours – Writing Poetry
4 hours – Recording


This week: 39.5 hours

Cumulative total: 77.5 hours

Reading List:

  • My Poets

  • How To Rap: The Art and Science of the Hip Hop MC

  • The Rose That Grew from Concrete

Hh – Week 9 Reverie

“We have already contrasted two ways of thinking about sociality in social neuroscience: On the one hand, we find the impoverished conception of sociality that can be found in most research that utilizes brain imaging in laboratory settings- where ‘social’ seems to refer to sequential transactions between isolated individuals or simulations of such transactions in scanners. On the other, we encounter the more subtle arguments of those who seek to understand sociality in terms of the multiple networks of collective association that characterize human existence, in families, groups, villages, towns, nations, and beyond, and the neurobiological consequences of isolation for humans evolved to live in such ecological settings.” (Neuro, 231)

When it all boils down, how will they study me?

Will they cite past knowledge and patterns

Or consider all of me engulfed in everything?

Everything I had done and who I was

Alongside who I was raised by where I come from

Sometimes it seems a conundrum

To study based on isolation

When really there’s always an influence

That seems to find its way into equations

And can a brain scan equate

To what my brain can’t communicate

But my spirit and my mouth can

Consciousness is an outland

Somewhere far off we can’t find

Where we are alive, reside, and decide

Not constricted to the real time

In the deepest recesses of our mind

So study me as you like

With scanners and alike

Or the patterns of those I am like

You will find everything except

My mind within the light.


Hh – Week 8 Reverie

“Many from the social and human sciences regard this neurobiologization of the self as the most challenging feature of contemporary neuroscience. It seems to threaten the very conception of the human being that lies at the heart of their work: the idea that personhood is a matter of internal mental states, consciousness, intention, beliefs, and the like, existing in a uniquely human psychological realm of mind, embodied in a self-conscious subjectivity, and created in a world of meaning, culture, and history.” (Neuro, 201)

Where is my I?

Who is my self, WHAT is my self. Is there any self to begin with?

Am I just a biological machine?

And are my thoughts just left over steam from the working machine?

I don’t know.

My I is a combination of many things.

Sometimes I feel as though my I is more metaphorical than literal

I can play with my I through music.

I can become whatever I want I to be.

I can become animate or inanimate

Feminine or masculine

Black or white

Machine or human

So what is my self?

To me, myself, my physical self,

It doesn’t matter

Because through music I can expand and extend my self to be anything I want.