About Nonfiction Media: Sustainability & Justice

Nonfiction Media: Sustainability and Justice is the 2012-13 foundational program for moving image practices at Evergreen. This program emphasizes the study of media technology and hands-on production practices along with the study of film/video history and theory. This year, as filmmakers, we place our work in the service of both sustainability and justice. A number of academic programs have begun to center their inquiry on important issues facing us and our planet–climate change, environmental justice, the relationship between people and the land, the sustainability of human and natural communities–issues that are vital to our well-being and the health of the planet. How do we engage these issues as filmmakers and artists? Can our work make a difference?  Fall quarter is designed around a multifaceted assignment to address these and other questions.

Please see Fall Quarter Collaborations: Inspiring Change through Accountability