Physics – Winter Outline

Week Topic (click on the topic for hand-out) Reading Problem Set Solutions Quiz
 1 Rotational Motion Ch. 7 – College Physics Workbook & Text Quiz 1
 2 Conservation of Momentum Ch. 9 – College Physics Workbook & Text Quiz 2
 3 Conservation of Energy Ch. 10 – College Physics Workbook & Text Quiz 3
 4 Relativity I: Basic Postulates
->lecture slides (ppt)
Ch. R1 – Relativity Solutions
Quiz 4
 5 Relativity II: SpaceTime
->lecture slides (ppt)
Ch. R2 – Relativity Solutions Quiz 5
 6 Relativity III: Momentum & Energy Ch. R3 – Relativity  Solutions Quiz 6
 7 Relativity IV: Rel. Conservation Laws Ch. R4 – Relativity  Solutions
 8 Winter Exam Exam Exam Reflection

The Winter Exam on the Monday of week 8 will cover all the material from the winter quarter, with slightly more emphasis on the week 7 material, for which there will not be a separate quiz. The Monday exam will be followed with a reflection on Tuesday morning. For the rest of week 8 and all of week 9, we will focus on your final project work with skill building workshops as needed and work in progress review sessions.

Week 10 is reserved for final project presentations.

As you can see from our weekly schedule, our distribution of physics has shifted this quarter. We’ll have physics lecture, lab, and problem session as we did in fall, but split differently:

  • Monday’s lecture is from 9 – 11 in Lecture Hall 2. We’ll begin each week (except for the first week) with an in-class quiz that covers the previous week’s material. We’ll spend the rest of the time discussing the material from that week’s reading assignment.
  • You will be in a Physics Lab section either Tuesday morning (and in Animation Workshop on Wednesday morning) or Wednesday morning (and in Animation Workshop on Tuesday morning) in the Computer Applications Lab (CAL) in Lab 2.
  • We have Physics Problem Session on Thursday from 10:15 – 11:45 in the Animation Studio (Lab 2 2223A).

Reading Responses will be due on-line by Sunday 8 pm. Monday morning begins with a quiz on the previous week’s material; the remainder of Monday’s session will be a discussion of the current week’s reading. Before Thursday’s Problem Session, you will need to attempt all of the homework problems assigned for that week so that you can use Problem Session as productively as possible. You will submit a sub-set of the week’s homework assignment by Saturday 6 pm. Complete solutions will be posted at that time, in order for you to be able to study for Monday morning’s quiz.

In addition to the weekly quizzes, you will also take a cumulative final exam, scheduled for the beginning of week 8, with a follow-up reflection workshop.