The Evergreen State College

Film and Video Archives

Submission Form

Directions: Fill in the form with as much available information as is available. More information will result in better access and full credit to those who created the work.

Pack Forest Retreat 1971 #5

Academic Program or Contract Title:


Faculty Sponsor/s:







Production Crew:

(please provide credits,

i.e., film editor, sound

designer, animator,

photographer, etc.)



Production Crew and Talent:


Date Produced: 1971                            Running Time: ?

Where Produced:

Format:    RR                                                                Status: O
(R-to-R, 3/4", VHS, DV, Mini DV, DVD, etc)                  [O]riginal, [M]aster [C]opy 

Quality*              Image: ?            Audio: ?
                        *Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor

Artists' Statement/Production Synopsis: (please include any segments titles, subtitles, short description of action, characters and (their performers) in parenthesis; running time and note changes in production crews where warranted).

Contents and/or condition unknown, reviewer did not view because already 2 copies on VHS 2.7.97.


Please attach additional pages as necessary