A-Z Index

Evening and Weekend Studies 2006-07

Getting Started

Applying for Admission


Financial Aid

How to Register

Important Dates

Who to Contact for More Information

Program Listings

A-Z Index

Entry Points

Half-Time Interdisciplinary Programs

Evergreen at Grays Harbor

Course Listings

A-Z Index

Entry Points

Culture, Text and Language

Environmental Studies

Evergreen at Grays Harbor

Expressive Arts

Scientific Inquiry

Society, Politics, Behavior and Change

MES Electives

MPA Electives



Registration times and procedures will vary depending on whether or not you have been admitted to the college. Register as early as possible to increase your chance of getting the class you want.

Non-Admitted Students

Students who have not been formally admitted to the college (special students) may register for a maximum of eight credits per quarter. The credits you earn as a special student go on an Evergreen transcript and will apply toward your degree once you are admitted.

Special students register for classes in-person at the Registration and Records office using the one-page special student registration form. No online registration is available. For fall quarter, registration will open on May 31st and will remain open until September 20th, when tuition is due. Registration will re-open September 25th to September 29th, with faculty signature required for all classes.

Admitted Students

Students admitted to the college register online through the Gateway registration pages. For fall quarter, registration begins on May 22nd according to your assigned time ticket and will remain open until September 20th, when tuition is due. Registration will re-open September 25th to September 29th, with faculty signature required for all classes.

Late Registration

Late registration is allowed during the second week of the quarter. All late registration requires a faculty signature and also requires a $50 late fee. Registration after the second week of the quarter is by petition only.

Faculty Signature Requirements and Overrides

If your class requires a faculty signature, or you do not have the class level required, you must contact the faculty to receive approval. Phone numbers and email addresses for faculty can be found in the class listings.

Admitted students must have a signature override or class override from faculty entered on the Gateway registration system prior to registering online. Non-admitted (special) students must obtain a physical signature from the faculty and register in person.

What to do if the class you want is full

If your class is full, register for the wait list and pay your tuition. Students on the class roster who do not pay tuition by the due date are dropped from the class roster. Those on the wait list will move into the class if space becomes available.

If you do not get into the class from the wait list, attend the first day of class and bring a registration form (available online or at the Registration and Records office). Registered students do not always show up, and if there is any room, the faculty may sign you in.

Contact the Site Manager


Last Updated: January 08, 2018

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