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Evening and Weekend Studies

Getting Started

Applying for Admission


Financial Aid

How to Register

Important Dates

Inside Stories

Who to Contact for More Information

Program Listings

A-Z Index

Half-Time Interdisciplinary Programs

Evergreen at Grays Harbor

Evergreen at Seattle Central

Course Listings

A-Z Index

Culture, Text and Language

Environmental Studies

Expressive Arts

Scientific Inquiry

Society, Politics, Behavior and Change

Read stories published in the Evening & Weekend Class Listings

Winter 2007 Stories


Evening & Weekend Studies Helps Workers Find New Paths
Rediscovering Your Talents
By Crystal Shepherd


Learning from Life
Work, Life Worth Credit through Prior Learning from Experience
By Annette Santomassimo


Turning Point
What Brought You to Evergreen?
By Ian McGuffick


Contact the Site Manager


Last Updated: January 02, 2018

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