Large Geoduck on wheelbarrow The Evergreen State College

Archives & Special Collections

Accession 1986-03
College Advancement
Information Services


Series: External Publications on TESC

Monograph Publications:

Dubbin, Melissa and Davidson, Aaron. Fallen Books. Paris, France: Onestar Press, 2008. Contains images of libraries after earthquakes of various magnitude including the Daniel J. Evans Library at The Evergreen State College after the 28 February 2001 Nisqually Earthquake.

Serial Publications:

U.S. News and World Report - College Report Issues

Alaska Beyond August 2015 (Includes articles highlighting Brian Cladoosby, Chair of the Swinomish Tribe and President of the National Congress of American Indians (who has appeared at TESC on occasion), Cuc Tran of Tumawater, Wa. - lead embnroiderer at Olympia's Native owned Color Graphics, and Louie Gong, owner of Eighth Generation Native Art company - who also has appeared on TESC campus as guest lecturer; also included on page 141 is an article entitled "Innovative Courses by Lora Shinn, former TESC student (possibly alumni), highlighting her involvement in the 1995 TESC academic program, "Virtual College".