Subseries: KAOS Dialogue
Marlene Willis (of Women's Center)Original cassette label: "Marlene WIllis of Women's Center - Interviewed on KAOS Dialogue, 5/29/73". 2 sides.
Description: Marlene Willis states that women are hired at schools based on certain criteria, such as having specific graduate degrees. Willis claims judgement of qualifications eliminate women in many places.
It is not true that Evergreen has gone out of its way to find women who fit the school's unconventional qualification standards, says Willis, not until "very recently". The administration at Evergreen was not hiring wives of men if the two both applied for a position at TESC, using excuses such as if a woman was hired while her husband was not, there would be marriage issues leading to divorce, since the man should be employed. Marlene stresses that women have to fit their role (by looking pretty) to fit hiring criteria.
The kind of change that Willis wants to see is the family structure not being the only living situation available to women. Willis complains that while fathers can go back to college, women don't have that option until several years later when their children are much older. She also discusses the lack of childcare available, specifically at TESC's "Driftwood House" childcare center.
Discusses women's rights, women's oppression and women's liberation. Tape contains more information.
The Evergreen State College Archives
Accession 76-10
Academic Affairs: Academic Deans: Faculty: Academic Programs:
Series: Audio Archive 1969-:
Subseries: Guest Lecturers(cass. and r to r formats
Keen & Ellison
The Evergreen State College Archives
Accession 76-10
Academic Affairs: Academic Deans: Faculty: Academic Programs:
Series: Audio Archive 1969-:
Subseries: Guest Lecturers(cass. and r to r formats
Dr. Pat Cross and Ken Hansen