Justin Hart - Biography

Justin received his MFA in Creative Writing from Eastern Washington University in 1998. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming inThe Seattle Review,Pontoon Anthology,Heliotrope,Amaranthand several other literary magazines. In the summer of 1999 an as yet untitled chapbook of his poems will be published by Tinderbox Press. At the moment he is working on a full length collection of translations of the Chilean poet Nicanor Parra, which he hopes to get published in the near future. He lives in Spokane, where he teaches at Spokane Falls Community College and works for the MFA program at EWU. He shares his home and dreams with another Evergreen graduate, Cherish Cline.


My experiences at Evergreen helped me as a writer by giving me a chance to study, in great depth, some of the most important literary periods and movements in western culture. The scope of my studies and the quality of work I was expected to perform were equal to the work I went on to do in graduate school. In addition to the subjects I studied, (language, literature and creative writing primarily), the seminar approach to learning greatly affected my sense of community, (both artistic and academic). I became a better writer, editor, and friend because of my experiences at Evergreen.