Biographical Note

Born in Little Rock, Arkansas, and later a resident of Waterbury Connecticut, New Orleans Louisiana, Kanab Utah, Lancaster Pennsylvania, McMurdo Station Antarctica, Seattle Washington, Akutan Alaska, Olympia Washington, and many oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, floating fish processing factories in Alaskan waters, and almost a resident of West Yellowstone Montana.

Raised on fried chicken, Pepsi, drag racing, the Bible, and an exemplary local newspaper (Arkansas Gazette, first newspaper west of the Mississippi River) -Lance would upon entry into adulthood find an expansion from his typical southern roots via the thriving punk rock and Church of the Subgenius scene in Little Rock Arkansas. Around thirty years old he discovered the deserts and high plains of the American West, which incited a vision quest involving both travel and college.

He graduated in 2003 with a B.Sci. with an emphasis on Unix style programming. Since 1996, Lance has lived mostly in the Pacific Northwest, from Olympia Washington to the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, and currently resides in Seattle with his family.

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