2011-12 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Laws/Policies of Indian Education and Indian Child Welfare

Fall 2011, Winter 2012 and Spring 2012 quarters

Yvonne Peterson education, Native American studies, political science , Gary Peterson social work
Fields of Study
Native American studies, communications, community studies, cultural studies, education, government, history, law and public policy, sociology and writing
Preparatory for studies or careers in
social work, K-12 education, tribal administration, social sicences, multicultural studies and human services.

This program will prepare learners to work effectively in institutions that have historically viewed Indians and their cultures as deficient and tried to force them into the mainstream. Learners will research the laws and policies of Indian Education and Indian Child Welfare from treaty time to present and select a topic for in depth coverage. Learners will learn techniques of "River of Culture Moments" to apply to documentary and interactive timelines. The learner-centered environment will provide an opportunity for students to be exposed to research methods, ethnographic research and interviewing techniques, writing workshops, computer literacy, library workshops, educational technology, and to learn how to develop inquiry-based curriculum.

Individual research projects will pay special attention to "storymaking" by looking at Indian individuals attempting to make a difference in times of political encounters with laws meant to destroy Indian culture. Ethnographic studies will include historical and political implications of encounters, and cross-cultural communication. Learners will explore Native American perspectives and look at issues that are particularly relevant to Indigenous people of the United States.

Learners will meet and learn from Indian educators and social workers, attend thematic conferences on the topic, and may travel to several Indian reservations. They will explore personal culture and identity through writing and recording their own cultural framework. Spring quarter will include an option for an in-program internship.

Transferable cross-cultural and identity skills will be emphasized. Students will examine their own identity, values and life histories as a basis for understanding what they bring to a cross-cultural encounter and how it affects their practice as social workers and educators.

Online Learning
Enhanced Online Learning
Greener Store
Required Fees
$50 per quarter for conference registration (optional).
Offered During