2011-12 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Radically Local Quests: The In of Outdoor Education

Summer 2012 quarter

Sarah Williams feminist theory, consciousness studies
Fields of Study
consciousness studies, cultural studies, outdoor leadership and education and writing
Preparatory for studies or careers in
the art, craft, and citizen science of earthly survival including health-related fields, education, environmental studies, and the humanities
The kayak field trip and outdoor quests require a degree of physical ability; please contact faculty for possible accommodations.

Global environmental and social challenges call for radical adjustments to our industrialized way of life.  This program is about having local outdoor adventures and then writing their interior geographies within cosmic context.  As Gary Snyder put it, "I want to talk about place as an experience."  Using program guest Kurt Hoelting's book as a core text, The Circumference of Home: One Man's Yearlong Quest for a Radically Local Life , students will create their own quests (and essays), with The Evergreen State College as a center, exploring widening bioregional circles on foot, by bicycle and sea kayak.   To support student quests our class activities will include a community-based learning project in support of the 2012 Tribal Canoe Journey and a kayaking field trip PRIOR to "Paddle to Squaxin 2012" (paddletosquaxin2012.org/) as well as lectures, reading-based seminars, and workshops.

Students wishing to extend their quests, their writing, or their community-based service learning into second session for additional credit may do so by developing individual learning contracts.

Academic Website
Advertised Schedule
5:30-9:30p Tue (Jun. 27 - Jul. 25) plus 9a-5p Wed (Jun. 27, Jul. 11) and additional online work and community service in lieu of class
Online Learning
Hybrid Online Learning < 25% Delivered Online
Greener Store
Off Campus Location
The off campus location for 11 July is Arcadia Point and the waters of the Salish Sea/Puget Sound.
Required Fees
$100.00 for the costs of a kayak field trip (including equipment, food) and program speaker/guides
Offered During