2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Clinical Psychology: The Scientist-Practitioner Model


Fall 2012, Winter 2013 and Spring 2013 quarters

George Freeman clinical psychology
Fields of Study
Preparatory for studies or careers in

In 1949, clinical psychologists defined a model of graduate training called The Boulder Model, also known as the scientist practitioner model. The model asks that students' training include research and clinical skills to make more informed and evidence-based decisions regarding treatment. Using this model of the scientist-practitioner, students will co-design a course of study in clinical psychology. The intention of this program is to prepare students at the levels of theory and practice for further study and work in the field of human services.

Fall quarter, students will engage in a study of the history and systems of psychology, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and investigate regionally-based internships in preparation for winter and spring quarter placements. We will use the first three weeks to co-design as a community meaningful and thoughtful assignments geared to support the group as well as individual goals. Mid quarter is comprised of independent and small group work outside the classroom setting. We return for the last two weeks to review, revise and present the culmination of the quarter's work. Winter quarter's focus on personality theory and psychopathology establishes the two foundational areas of study particular to clinical and counseling psychology. We will examine the Three Forces of psychology: psychodynamic theory, behaviorism, and humanistic psychology as well as the field of transpersonal psychology. Students will also be placed in area internships. These theories will serve to inform the experience of the internships and anchor students' practical learning in the latest findings and theories. Our final quarter will be dedicated to an exploration of couples therapy, family and group therapy, and graduate and employment opportunities. Students will continue their 15 hour/week internships started winter quarter through spring quarter. Each quarter will examine multicultural themes regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, class, religious identity and ability/disability.

Online Learning
Hybrid Online Learning 25 - 49% Delivered Online
Greener Store
Internship Required
Students are required to begin a two-quarter long, 15 hour/week internship winter quarter in the field of social services.
Research Possibilities
Constructing a research project is an option if students prefer research to the internship. All students will conduct a line of literature research each quarter.
May be offered again in
Fall 2013-2014
Offered During

Program Revisions

Date Revision
February 6th, 2013 This program is not accepting new enrollment for Spring quarter.