2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

French, Intermediate I, II, III

Fall 2012, Winter 2013 and Spring 2013 quarters

Judith Gabriele French language
Fields of Study
language studies
Entry in fall quarter requires the equivalent of one year of college-level study of French language.  Entry in winter or spring quarters requires further proficiency.  Contact the instructor for an assessment of proficiency.

This year-long sequence of courses in French is designed to reinforce, practice, and build upon previous skills. All classes are conducted in French. They are fast paced, interactive, and focus on continued review of grammatical structures, conversational skills with native speakers, discussion of short videos, music, poetry, Francophone themes, and Internet news clips. Students are expected to use French in discussions, increase their reading and writing skills through study of selected literary excerpts. Winter quarter focuses on theater, reading plays and performances of short scenes from them. In spring, students work with a selection of films and a short novel. Through focus on in-depth discussions of French identity, history, and culture, students learn to analyze, compare, and write about aspects of film increasing their acquaintance with media vocabulary.

Advertised Schedule
5:15-7p Tue/Thu
Online Learning
No Required Online Learning
Greener Store
Offered During