2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Individual Study: Integrative Evolution


Spring 2013 quarter

Jennifer Calkins biology, animal studies, literature
Fields of Study
biology, ecology, environmental studies, field studies, natural history, philosophy of science, writing and zoology
Preparatory for studies or careers in
biology, ecology, environmental studies, writing and zoology.

This individual study opportunity will facilitate independent student molecular genomic lab and evolutionary ecological field work with animal species. Students may also have the opportunity to integrate creative writing and multimedia work into their studies. With faculty guidance, students will engage in integrative projects investigating the evolution of focal taxa by incorporating methods such as sequencing, bioinformatic analysis, niche analysis and vertebrate field ecology. All participants will also work as a cohesive lab group, meeting regularly to share and trouble-shoot projects and read and discuss research papers. They will also have the opportunity to interact with faculty, students and postdocs from other colleges such as the UW and Occidental College in Los Angeles.

Online Learning
Enhanced Online Learning
Greener Store
Offered During
Day, Evening and Weekend

Program Revisions

Date Revision
April 1st, 2013 New opportunity added.