2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Summer in the City


Summer 2013 quarter

Stephanie Kozick human development
Fields of Study
community studies, cultural studies, field studies, sociology and writing
Preparatory for studies or careers in
urban studies, the arts, environmental sustainability, history of place

Summer in the City is an academic, travel-based study of life and the arts in urban settings.  This six week program begins with two weeks of on-campus study as an introduction to urban studies, travel field study planning, and the creation of a travel WordPress site, followed by a three week field study in a city chosen by each individual student according to his or her academic aims and financial means.  A final week on campus is devoted to field study reflection writing and a formal student field study presentation.  Student are free to choose an urban field study that matches their academic interests.  Suggestions include architecture, photography, drawing, writing, business, economics, city planning, housing, transportation, environmental and sustainability concerns, literature, and music.  The field plan will include readings, learning activities, and regularly shared journal entries.

Advertised Schedule
10a-3p Mon/Tue/Wed (weeks 1, 2, and 6: Jun. 24-26, Jul. 1-3, Jul. 29-31) plus three weeks of full-time work in field studies (weeks 3-5).
Online Learning
Hybrid Online Learning 25 - 49% Delivered Online
Greener Store
Offered During

Program Revisions

Date Revision
June 7th, 2013 Cancelled due to low enrollment.