2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Tax and Fiscal Policy

Summer 2013 quarter

Jenny Greenlee , Dianne Criswell tax, budget, WA state constitutional law

As the economic crisis has forced tough decisions at all levels of government, understanding of tax and fiscal policy has become more important than ever.   Fiscal and public policy are deeply intertwined with good public policy, frequently needing tax and fee revenue resources to be successful.   Where a government chooses to levy then spend its resources is a powerful expression of its values, whether these decisions are made consciously or not.  This course will examine all aspects of tax and fiscal policy development for the State of Washington.  Students will be asked to examine the aspects of a public policy area of their choice, including tax preferences and other fiscal legislation."

Advertised Schedule
Aug 8, 10-11 & 22, 24-25, Thurs 6-10p, Sat/Sun 9a-5p
Online Learning
Enhanced Online Learning
Greener Store
Offered During
Evening and Weekend