The Evergreen State College

Film  and Video Archives

Submission Form



Directions: Fill in the form with as much information as is available. More information will result in better access and full credit to those who created the work.


Living Catalog, 1973 #1


Academic Program or Contract Title:


Faculty Sponsor/s:










Donald Chan, Tom Rainey, Bette Estes, Richard Brian, Maxine Mimms

















Production Crew:

(please provide credits,

i.e., film editor, sound

designer, animator,

photographer, etc.)













Production Crew and Talent:
























Date Produced:                                       Running Time:



Where Produced:






Format:                                                                Status:

(R-to-R, 3/4", VHS, DV, Mini DV, DVD, etc)                   [O]riginal, [M]aster [C]opy


Artists' Statement/Production Synopsis: (please include any segments titles, subtitles, short description of action, characters and (their performers) in parenthesis; running time and note changes in production crews where warranted).


Film contains many brief clips of TESC Faculty promoting their programs and contract sponsorships for the upcoming academic year (1974-75), with overview of entire curriculum for that year. Possibly intended for recruiting purposes.


Picture Quality: Varies, Poor - Good

Sound Quality: Good









































Please attach additional pages as necessary