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2006-07 Evening and Weekend Studies: P |
Path to Sovereignty Path to SovereigntyFall quarter Credits:2Meeting Times:Nov. 3-5; Dec. 1-3Schedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10610 (Grad), 10609 (UG)This course will focus on relating the historical foundations for federal Indian policy to the contemporary legal and political issues confronting Indian tribes-as-governments. Following an overview discussion of the contemporary role of self-governing Indian tribes, we will spend approximately half of our time on readings and discussion of the historical period from pre-colonial through the implementation of the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. The other half of our time during this quarter will concentrate on the period that we will call "the modern era" of federal Indian policy. We define the modern era as that period beginning with the foundation of the National Congress of American Indians in 1944 up until the present. Our goal in this first quarter is to understand the historical origins and contemporary applications of the laws and policies that constitute the legal, economic, social and political environment in which tribal governments operate today. Required for Tribal Governance track; other students may take it as an elective.Performance MeasurementFall quarter Credits:2Faculty:Mary Campbell, 360-486-4665Meeting Times:Sec. A: October 13 (6-10 pm), 14 (9-6 pm) & 15 (9-6 pm), Sec B: October 20 (6-10 pm); October 21 & 22 (9 am-6 pm)Schedule:Class ScheduleCRN:section A: 10680 (Grad), 10681 (UG) section B: 10623 (Grad), 10624 (UG)Using practical tools and an intuitive approach, this interactive workshop guides students through the development of a balanced portfolio of measures for their own program or work unit. Students will leave with: questions that will identify the most meaningful measures of your work; a logical framework for differentiating between outcomes that are truly in your control-and those that are not; proven strategies for motivating employee performance using measures, and techniques for using measures to analyze and improve process performance. Instructor bio: From 2002 to 2006, Mary served as the Special Assistant for Quality and Performance to Washington Governors Locke and Gregoire. In that role, she helped to design and implement Washington state's approach to process improvement and performance management. Mary holds an MS in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MPA from The Evergreen State College.Philosophy as a Form of LifeFall quarter Credits:4Faculty:Joe Tougas, 867-6891Enrollment:25Meeting Times:Tue & Thur, 6-8pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10566This introductory course explores the ways that philosophy has been a force for giving a particular kind of form to the lives of individuals, communities, and societies. We will explore two basic philosophical techniques - dialogue and meditation - both through close reading of classic and contemporary texts and through our own work in writing and seminar discussion. We will compare the ideas of Plato and Descartes to those of contemporary thinkers. Students will write ongoing reflections on their developing thinking, and two more formal essays exploring philosophical links between the readings and their own life experiences. Photography, BeginningFall quarter Credits:4Faculty:Hugh Lentz, 867-6313Special Expenses:$200 for supplies and textEnrollment:24Meeting Times:Mon & Wed, 5-7pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10392This course will emphasize beginning-level skill development in camera function, exposure, and black-and-white film development and printing, and will introduce computer imaging. We will focus on photography's role in issues of cultural representation, mass media and the arts. Students will have assignments, critiques, collaborations and viewing of work by other photographers. Photography, DigitalFall quarter Credits:4Faculty:Steve Davis, 867-6263Prerequisite:College level photography course (basic level darkroom and camera experience.)Required Fees:$50 for inkjet printingSpecial Expenses:Up to $100 for texts, additional film and processingEnrollment:24Meeting Times:Tue & Thur, 5-7pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10548This course will introduce students to photographic practice through digital means. Building from students' existing photographic skills and vocabulary, we will explore image making with both digital and film cameras. We will also work with computers, scanners and inkjet printers. Students will create work as exhibition-quality prints and also create a photographic portfolio for the web. Piano and Voice, IntroFall quarter Credits:2Faculty:Stephanie Claire, 867-6588 (message)Enrollment:20Meeting Times:Wed, 7-9pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10588This is a beginning voice and beginning piano class designed to help students develop healthy singing voices and to teach fundamentals of music literacy and piano technique. Students will develop basic musical skills through the use of self-paced interactive software as well as classroom instruction. A vocal and piano performance will conclude the quarter. PLE Document WritingFall quarter Credits:4 or 8Faculty:Kate Crowe, 867-6415Prerequisite:Sophomore standing or above, Writing from Life, and Faculty signatureEnrollment:25Meeting Times:Wed, 6-10pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10410 (4 cr); 10411 (8 cr)This course is designed to help students in the Prior Learning (PLE) program progress with their document writing. We will concentrate on writing essays that address the learning language in the knowledge areas identified in the Writing from Life course. Students will also create the structure of their document by writing the Introduction, Table of Contents and Synthesis of Learning Essay. The Practice of WritingFall quarter Credits:4Faculty:Steve Blakeslee, 867-5740Enrollment:25 each sectionMeeting Times:Sec. A:Tue, 5:30-9pSec. B: Thur, 5:30-9p Schedule:Class ScheduleCRN:Sec. A:10173;Sec. B: 10174 This course will give students an overview of prose writing and help them to broaden, deepen, and improve their own writing practice. We will explore every step of the writing process, learn to brainstorm, structure, draft, critique, rewrite, polish, and "share out" in ways large and small. The course will also address key principles of good writing, challenges such as procrastination and writer's block, and ways to develop productive writing routines. PrecalculusFall quarter Credits:4Faculty:Allen Mauney, 867-5458Prerequisite:Intermediate AlgebraEnrollment:25Meeting Times:Thurs, 6-10pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10393This class will prepare students for calculus, but it is also designed to be an introduction to mathematical modeling. Problems from the world around us will motivate the material and students will leave with a portfolio of methods and concepts to approach problems in the physical, life, and social sciences. The major theme is functions, including polynomial, rational, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric, as models. Graphical and numerical methods will be used throughout. Precalculus IFall quarter Credits:2 or 4Faculty:Vauhn Foster-Grahler, 867-5630Prerequisite:Intermediate AlgebraSpecial Expenses:A graphing calculator is requiredEnrollment:25Meeting Times:Tue & Thur, 1-3pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10556 (2 cr); 10557 (4 cr)DescriptionGoesHere Precalculus IIFall quarter Credits:2 or 4Faculty:Vauhn Foster-Grahler, 867-5630Prerequisite:Precalculus I or fluency with linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functionsSpecial Expenses:A graphing calculator is requiredEnrollment:25Meeting Times:Tue & Thur, 3-5pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10558 (2 cr); 10559 (4 cr)Precalculus II continues the in-depth, problem-solving based study of functions that model change begun in Precalculus I. We will study trigonometric, polynomial and rational functions along with polar and parametric curves. Problems will be explored algebraically, numerically, graphically and verbally. Collaborative learning and data analysis will be emphasized. Program Evaluation in Community ServicescancelledFall quarter Credits:4 or 6Faculty:Sylvie McGee, 867-6859Prerequisite:Experience working or volunteering in private non-profit or public community-based organizations.Special Expenses:$60 registration and travel expenses (transportation and lodging) to attend the American Evaluation Association Conference in Portland, OR, November 2-4, 2006 for six credit option.Enrollment:25Meeting Times:Sept 30-Oct 1, Oct 21-22, Dec 2-3 Sat 9a -5p, Sun 9a-1p; for six credit option attend American Evaluation Association Conference in Portland, Ore. Nov 2-4Schedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10593 (4cr); 10594 (6cr)In a competitive environment of shrinking resources, non-profit and public agencies must develop and present credible information on the effectiveness of services they are delivering and funding. This course will take a practical approach to the program evaluation process, including distinguishing between evaluation and research, applying sound ethics, understanding program logic models, identifying key evaluation questions, evaluation design, and measurement strategies. The 6 credit option includes participation in the American Evaluation Association conference November 2-4 in Portland, Oregon. Psychology, Introduction toFall quarter Credits:4Faculty:Mark Hurst, 867-6624Enrollment:25Meeting Times:Tue, 6-10pSchedule:Class ScheduleCRN:10530The field of psychology changes rapidly as the scientific inquiry into biopsychosocial influences of human behavior and mental processes marches on. This course will examine the diverse factors that make up the human experience (personality, human development, sensation and perception, learning, memory, etc.). We will also examine political and economic influences, contemporary trends (managed care, neuropsychology, health psychology, gerontology and organizational psychology) and careers in the field. Students will be required to demonstrate skill at applying theory to practice in their psychological journals and projects. |
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Last Updated: August 25, 2017 All content and images on this site are copywritten by The Evergreen State College. |