
Our books this quarter are: Friedberg: Window Shopping; Jay: Downcast Eyes; Bordwell: Narration in the Fiction Film; Kasden, et al.: The Critical Eye; Debord: Society of the Spectacle.

Articles on Reserve in the Library

Rabelais and His World -by Mikhail Bakhtin (Introduction p.1-30)

Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics -by Mikhail Bakhtin (p.47-76 &181-204)

"A Nonclassical Approach to Narrative, Space and Time" -David Bordwell/Kristin Thompson (p.308-314)

"Revelations, An Interview With Wim Wenders" (8-13)

WSMC Film/Video List

"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" by Walter Benjamin (p.217-251)

"Images and Reflections: Ritual, Drama, Carnival, Film, and Spectacle in Cultural Performance" by Victor Turner (p.21-32)

"The Great American Football Ritual" by Douglas E. Foley (p.29-62)

"Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Thoery of Culture" Clifford Geertz (p.3-30)

"An Explanation" from Pig Earth by John Berger (p.5-13)

"The Storyteller" from Illuminations by Walter Benjamin (p.83-109)

"Polyphony and Cultural Expression" Film Quarterly Volume 47 #2 Winter 93-4 by Victoria E. Johnson (p.18-29)

"Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight" from The Interpretation of Cultures by Clifford Geertz (p.412-453)

"Bakhtin, Polyphony, and Ethnic/Racial Representation" from Unspeakable Images by Robert Stam (p.251-276)

"Towards a Third Cinema" from Movies and Methods Volume II by Fernando Solanas and Octavio Gettino (p.44-64)

Related Sites

Here you will find links to sites containing helpful and interesting information on topics related to POV, including information regarding people like Guy Debord (try the postmodernism site and go to, Fredrick Nietzsche, Michel Foucault, Jaques Derrida, and many others who frequently come up in our texts. This is the place to find out more about these people, and to follow up specific interests. Enjoy!

Media and Communication Studies Page
This is a virtual clearing house of info about the subject(s) that the title infers. Visually swell too! Particular subject headings of interest are Film Studies, Theories of Media Influence, The Visual Image and in a round about way, Featured Links.

Postmodern Philosophy
This is a pretty good pm page. A nice mix of academic, semi-academic and humorous links about the so-called "postmodern condtition" and the individuals associated with the philosophy entailed by and surrounding that condition. In particular to our class, links to Lacan, Lyotard, Foucault, Derrida + Deconstruction, and Deleuze sites. Some worthy of mention, though "unrelated" to our program would be the links to the and Existentialist Angst sites. (you know, for fun.)

Surrealism Server
An excellent starting point for any surrealist adventure.

The massive media link of wonder and amazement. Includes a searchable database of information about all areas of media. The self-proclaimed "best media site on the web."
