student work

Ethnographic Explorations

Field Notes
Sarah Freni-Rothschild
April 23, 1996
R, M, and K are roommates and Re is K's friend. On April 21st at 8:50PM they gathered in R's room to watch the movie Sirens (d. John Duigan).
For several weeks, while sitting in restaurants or gathered around the kitchen table in their dorm, R, K, and M spoke about their wanting to see the movie Sirens. R acquired a copy of the film from Hollywood Video earlier in the week.
K and M were sitting around the kitchen table eating and drinking when they finally decided to ask R if they could all watch the movie. They asked nervously because in order to watch the film it was necessary to gather in R's room because she had the T.V. and VCR. R was tired and had a look of annoyance on her face when they asked, and she asked them to wait another 15 minutes. They agreed and both went to their respective bedrooms and shut the doors. After 20 minutes had passed, K and M met in the hallway and contemplated asking R if they could now watch. R also came out of her room at that time to say she was ready to watch the movie now. At 8:50 K, M, and Re all entered R's room, she made a nervous remark at how many people were in her room. I donıt think she was expecting Re to be there. All four girls situated themselves on R's bed (which faced the T.V.). R sat on the far right making sure there was enough room between her and M so that there was no physical contact. M and K sat towards the center close to each other, almost touching shoulders. Re situated herself forward from the other girls, she looked a bit uncomfortable. As the movie began everyone was completely motionless and silent, just watching the screen.
Re yells "what!" at the random insult a man shouts. There's a koala on the screen and everyone smiles. Everyone is still motionless.
R, in the corner, begins to shift her body and scratch her head and twirl her hair. However, M is totally transfixed; her mouth slightly open with a grin.
Re begins to discuss whether or not the character "Rose" might be a man. K said that it was possible but that she didn't think so. R continues to shift and says that the little boy on the screen looks stupid. K and Re laugh but M just quietly smiles. As the movie continues, Re and K whisper back and forth, sometimes laughing. R looks slightly annoyed with their talking but says nothing.
M's face becomes inquisitive and thoughtful and her head slightly tilted to one side. R, however looks bored and continues to twirl her hair. Re looks a little uncomfortable and K hasn't moved at all.
"Iım never getting married!" was M's response to the seemingly passionless relationship on the screen. The other three laugh and Re says she might actually enjoy that kind of relationship.
Re keeps shouting "Oh my God!" it seems she is shocked a lot by the oddness (nudeness) of this film. R is still moving around and twirling her hair. She must be really tired or bored -- it disturbs me that she seems so annoyed.
Re keeps laughing at every "strange" thing and whispering only to K and it really annoys R.
During a passionate scene, R looks uncomfortable; her feet rubbing back and forth. She looks like she is trying to hide the idea that she is uncomfortable, but her eyes look shocked and wide open in amazement. Again, numerous times in a row, Re exclaims "Oh my God!" and R is looking at her with an angry expression.
For the first time M has physically moved, not because she is fidgety, but because her legs are possibly tired and she needs to shift her body.
Re leaves the room after whispering in K's ear and then returns and K walks out with her. They make little noise, but are quietly giggling. K closes the bedroom door before they start talking in the hallway.
R has become involved in making sure that no one can hear her growling stomach. K and Re return with a box of cookies and pass them around as they get re-situated. Re still looks uncomfortable in her new position.
There is another passionless sex scene between a married couple and Re shouts her exclamation and M remarks on how she would hate to be in a marriage like that. Re, however, offers that because the man is Hugh Grant it is alright, but M and K say that not even that is a good enough reason.
R is watching the beautiful Sirens interact and her body shows embarrassment. Her stomach makes another noise and she offers excuses, but the other girls tell her she is fine, "it happens to me all the time," says Re.
M reacts with sorrow to the fact that the "innocent" character finally posses nude. M is very happy and smiles at the movie. R's stomach growls again and she curls herself up. She has grown closer to the wall as the other girls have moved closer to each other physically (everyone shared in eating the cookies except R).
As the movie closes everyone looks happy and smiling -- speechless, they even pause the eating of their cookies for a moment. As the credits roll, Re jokingly says "porno!" and the others (M) react immediately, "no it's not!"
M comments on all the symbolism she saw in the film "It was beautiful," she says as she sits there still watching the empty T.V. screen. R has withdrawn herself and waits for everyone to leave. K and Re return to K's room and M thanks R for the use of her T.V. and then slowly walks to her bedroom and closes the door. R calls out goodnight and closes her door. It is 10:46PM.
